
2nd day Ramadhan.

Scarf : Tie Rack
Camera T-Shirt : Time Square
Vintage Bag : 6 T's
Pants : Google
Shoe : MOMOE

yg belakang bertopi itu la AZI. bkn bkn bkn boyfriend baru ye adik2.

hye hye hye. its 3.43 am. at 5 am later i'll eat my sahur woth fa & yna. where's my 3 other housemate? that 3 unisel girls. isk. you all have no class this week? isk. hmm when i enter azi's car this afternoon that kakak said "Jom pergi JJ nak?" i was like hm serius? what for. then this kakak said "Saje bukak puase same2." then i said "ON je. ajk Qmal and bla bla bla."

hahah. so we end up breaking our fast at old town kopitiam, JJ Bukit Raja. hey babe i have class tomrow OK until 4.30pm. hello go to sleep pls! esk aku akan kelaparan lagi. kelas hingga ke petang. uh uh uh. jahit2 gune mesin singer. jahit2 benang putus. putus sudah hati utk bercinta. ape merepek makan kerepek la wei. best x?


hmmmm qmal aad yna & Fa was there too. later fa shopped groceries. (KER?) beli itu beli ini. saye pule tiade DUIT. arghhhhhhhhhh. duit penting OK to survive. hello MIRA blk la. ayh awk dh bank in blom duet? klu sdh sye mau mintak wang dr ibu ku. esk mau buke puase lg sayang. breaking fast eating shit aso have to pay nowadays. HELP ME HELP! assalamualaikum! haha. bwat ape ni malam2 menaip tap tap tip tip tup. keletap keletup bunyi keyboard. ENJOY SUME.



FaFaFa said...

hhahaa, yeke bukan bf?? :p

mereka balik kampung laaaaaaaaa. isk isk. call la dia k? kalau nak duit. :)

hm. org kejut tadi tak bangun.

Hello. said...

oh die bf sye ke FA? best3.

aloh da xsedo nk bwat mcm mne. lenkali kjut ganas2 sket