
Kosmo! 30th May 2011.


scha roslan. said...

omg ure a fashion designer!!
btw hai im pka ;p i love to sew a lot! and i hope i can have my own clothing line one day hiihi. tp kan the thing is that i dont hv a sewing machine so stakat ni bnyk baju2 i yg jahit tgn je *hopefully they wont fall off hahhahaha* susah lah nak jahit2 baju ni. and ure a pro. adore sgt! and ive a friend yg ambik minor in footwear design tp kedekut ilmu gila. bila i tnya mana beli materials dia kata rahsia haha. tp i sgt2 berminat dlm bidang jahit2 and buat kasut ni. cuma tak tahu mcm mana, hihi.

eh pnjangnya i bebel ;p

Anonymous said...

great. congrats!

Irma A.Wahid said...

wow...sis masuk paper la~~~terbaeekkk